
Connor 比特币交易平台 2022-12-23 152 0





英文名称:Spend money on gossip











中华民国开国纪念币是近代中国钱币中的精品,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。 珍贵的中华民国“开国纪念币”记录了辛亥革命惊天动地的伟大历史,由于历经百年风雨,“开国纪念币”存世量极为稀少,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐。



英文名称:The founding COINS of sun yat-sen




背面边缘有英文MEMENTO - BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA(中华民国开国纪念币)整币品相好,色泽包浆自然、底光柔和,有如绸缎。文字图案细腻清晰,总体保存完整,字体纹饰均清晰可辨,此版特征是,钱币背面左右分列六角星。1912年11月10日,袁世凯盗取大总统后时间不长,该版纪念币停止铸造。1914年,也就是民国三年,开始铸造袁大头,替代了1912年版“孙小头”的主体地位。因铸造时间不长,存世量小,市场价格较



据考究寓意注解:  隶书“民”→流行将「民」字最后一划拉长,其解释为推翻满清,象征民主胜利(网民出头),也宣示乃大众的政府。  梅花→左右五瓣梅花各一支,五权宪法意者也。后即以此为国花(五权指:立法权、司法权、行政权、弹劾权和考试权)。  豆、麦穗→民国元年三月二日,孙中山颁布临时大总统令,对新造货币式样作了规定《拟另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币,…其余通用新币,中间应绘五谷模型,取丰岁足民之义,垂劝农务本之规》五谷指:稻、黍(即黄米)、稷(即谷子)、麦、菽(即豆)。  三叶→背,中间壹圆二字,而辅以嘉禾各一支,每支一穗三叶,三民主义意也(三民主义主要包括民族主义、民权主义和民生主义)。







英文名称:The Greek statue of liberty sits on the ocean





钱币背面中间英文:PIASTRE DE COMMERCL ,周围绕它的是一个环形的英文 CHINE FRANGCAISE.INDO.TITRE0900.POIDS 27 GR.,字体清晰十分精美,表面有一层包浆保护,有如穿上一层外衣几乎不再氧化,便于收藏,也是鉴定新老银币的依据。







英文名称:Guangxu yuan bao copper coins









四川铜币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。由于川省银铜矿缺乏,加之辛亥革命以后军阀割据,致使中央政府《币制条例》关于铜币之原料比例、铜币面额的规定没有严格遵守,四川铜币发行量十分巨大,致使物价虚高、影响经济发展。四川铜币,自光绪二十九年(1903年)六月开铸,至民国二十四年(1935年)十一月法币开始流通才逐渐退出流通领域 。




英文名称:The military government carried eighteen copper COINS from sichuan province










英文翻译:Spend money "is" hate win money "commonly known, also known as" pressure win money ". It is an ancient or modern cast into the form of coin metal auspicious goods or evil products. "Spending money" is not a currency in circulation. It is only for people to wear and enjoy. According to the Bogu Tu, "There are five kinds of yu-sheng Qian, which are composed of dragon and horse, long and square. Li Xiaomei's name is "Better than money".

As an important part of ancient Chinese money, spending money has won the favor of many collectors for its rich cultural connotation and high aesthetic value. It on the ground of heart, integrating poetry, books, paintings, word, also contains landscapes, flowers and birds, architecture, figures and so on all sorts of design, pressure - money on calligraphy included a true, grass, nationalities, of various forms of calligraphy, the classic story, there are many contents belong to the traditional culture, therefore, spending has a huge market potential and high collection value.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: 12 zodiac gossip money

Spend money on Gossip

Specification: one coin

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

This eight diagrams of 12 zodiac spend money, positive design with "12 zodiac" give priority to, it is rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig and so on 12 kinds of animal design more, the back is eight diagrams grain act the role of and correspondence stem, exchange, kun, leave, Xun, shake, Gong, kan 8 characters. Chinese zodiac is a folk method to calculate the age. It is the result of the fusion of the ancient Chinese and ethnic groups' chronology. As a kind of folk culture, the Chinese zodiac has long penetrated into the blood of our nation. The package of the collection is old, good, exquisite workmanship, rare in the world, with high collection value and commemorative value.

This money has obvious black lacquer ancient package pulp, performance open to generation.

Black lacquer: bronze long-term in atmospheric corrosion mechanism analysis of copper, bronze, brass in the atmosphere is very stable, generally less than 0.00015 mm/year, in the copper surface generates a very stable layer of protective film, mainly alkaline type copper sulfate in olive green, also can produce copper oxide (CuO) in black, cuprous sulphur black, and stannous oxide (SnO), dark brown. The longer the age of the rust layer thickened color also become deeper, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient", if long-term play in the hands will make the surface as bright as a mirror commonly known as "handed down the ancient". But electrochemical corrosion also occurs in this type of copper, so it is "mute". If the copper in a dry environment for a long time (in the atmosphere or soil) will also produce copper oxide and Venus oxide dark black, commonly known as "black lacquer ancientThe Chinese zodiac was most widely spread in the Qing Dynasty. Because of its small size, light weight and beautiful appearance, the ancient people liked to wear it as an ornament on their hats and belts, and as a way to ward off evil spirits and protect their safety. Since ancient times, money has always been a symbol of justice and height in people's hearts. Some people even hang it in corners of houses, film walls and other places as the property of the town. This twelve-zodiac coin of the Qing Dynasty is a combination of circular and fan-shaped handle, with a lotus pattern on it. This coin is exquisitely made, with clear writing and unique shape. It is actually a fine piece of money spent. According to legend, there is a folk saying that "a bronze eight diagrams are worth fifty dollars".

The zodiac's theme of "spending money" is an important category of "spending money". The purpose of this money is to celebrate the healthy growth of people, generally used for children. Shenzhen Lixin obtains this qing Dynasty twelve zodiac signs to spend money, the front pattern is twelve zodiac animal patterns, and with twelve ground support characters; The back is the eight diagrams ornamentation and the corresponding dry, to, from, earthquake, xun, Kan, Gen, Kun eight words. Chinese zodiac is a folk method to calculate the age. It is the result of the fusion of the ancient Chinese and ethnic groups' chronology. As a kind of folk culture, the Chinese zodiac has long penetrated into the blood of our nation. Collect the 12 zodiac baguowen on the market to spend money is always liao If the morning star, not easy to get, this 12 zodiac baguowen to spend money is very complete, it is rare, for the collection of good!

Sun yat-sen, head of the republic of China the founding COINS (commonly known as "note" or "little sun") origin, after the end of 1911 the revolution, on January 3, 1912, the government of the republic of China was founded, because of the monetary system has not yet been established, in addition to remold the big fellow of sichuan silver COINS, outside fujian remold the wing, the main mint, mostly still continue to use the clearance die casting silver COINS, need for circulation. The design is based on the portrait of President Sun Yat-sen, and the pattern of the silver coin was changed later. Sun ordered the Ministry of Finance to write a letter approving the drumming of commemorative coins and ordering the rest of the general coin to have new patterns. "The grain model should be painted in the middle to give full meaning to the people and to persuade farmers to follow the rules of agriculture." He instructed the Ministry of Finance to make new models as soon as possible and to instruct the mints of all provinces to make drums according to the pattern. Soon, the Ministry of Finance issued a new model to the South of the Yangtze River (Nanjing), Hubei, Guangdong and other mints according to the type of casting, this is the "Republic of China Sun Yat-sen as the founding commemorative coin" origin.

The founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China is one of the best coins in modern China. It has historical edification, is a revolutionary cultural relic of high value and has profound historical significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object of archaeology and research on Chinese history and culture. The precious "founding commemorative coin" of the Republic of China records the earth-shattering history of the 1911 Revolution. Due to the hundred years of wind and rain, the "founding commemorative coin" is very rare, especially in good condition, so it is very popular among collectors.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Sun Yat-sen founding commemorative coin

The founding COINS of sun Yat-sen

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Back edge has English MEMENTO - BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA (REPUBLIC OF CHINA founding coin) the whole coin product good, color and color OF natural pulp, soft bottom light, like silk. The text design is exquisite and clear, the overall preservation is complete, the font decoration is clearly distinguishable, this version is characterized by the coin back left and right hexagonal stars. On March 10, 1912, not long after Yuan Shikai stole the first president, the commemorative coin ceased to be minted. In 1914, in the third year of the Republic of China, yuan's head began to be cast, replacing the 1912 edition of "Sun Xiaotou" as the main body. Because the casting time is not long, the quantity is small, the market price is relatively

Golden Grain design: Golden Grain, beautiful grain, strong and strong grain, huge grain, auspicious grain also. The Eastern Han Dynasty Xu Shen "said the text" cloud: "He, Jia Gu also. With February and kind, in August beginning ripe, in time, so that he. Wang Chong, "On balance · Talk rui" cloud: "He was born in the grain, and the different ears of the grain, known as the harvest. Ancient people most regarded "Jiahe" as such blessed and lichen springs are called as such. For example, Ban Gu's Book of Han, Gongsun Hong Biography said: "When the dew falls, the harvest rises." It is also the growth of special strong rice, the ancients regarded the pattern of golden harvest as a symbol of good luck.

Sun Yat-sen's head is the silver coin for the founding of the Republic of China, the front center is sun Yat-sen's profile portrait, the edge engraved With Chinese official script "Republic of China" 4 characters, engraved with the bottom engraved with "founding of the Republic of China" 5 characters, around the long branches of flowers. On the back is "one yuan" in Chinese official script and Jiahe in the middle. On the edge are "Republic of China" and "one yuan" in English. On the left and right are five pointed stars (later changed to six pointed stars). Linear edge tooth, 89% color, commonly known as "small head". The currency is issued as the national currency of the Republic of China. The founding of the Republic of China sun As a commemorative coin silver, due to the foundry different, different casting age, engraver English level is not high, in addition to the front and back of the main pattern has not changed, the flower details, The English letter has a variation, especially the English letter error more. This forms a variety of editions of the coin. There are two kinds of widely handed down: one is the five-pointed star format, the other is the six-pointed star format.

According to moral fastidious comments: official script "people" and popular will "people" in the last one to pull long, its explanation to overthrow the manchu, symbol of victory of democracy (s), and declare it is a popular government. Plum blossom → about five plum petals each one, the constitution of the five rights also. After that, it is regarded as the national flower (the five powers refer to legislative, judicial, executive, impeachment and examination powers). Beans, wheat and first year of the republic of China on March 2, Dr. Sun yat-sen interim executive order, issued by the new currency style made regulations "to another issue of the new mould, casting COINS, drum... the rest of the general new, intermediate should draw the grain model, from the meaning of feng, sufficient, vertical to the complex rules of grain: rice, millet (i.e. yellow rice), millet (millet) and wheat, glycine (pea). Three leaves → back, middle one yuan two words, supplemented by jiahe each one, each ear of three leaves, three people's principles meaning also (three People's principles mainly include nationalism, civil rights and people's livelihood).

The National government was founded in Guangzhou, moved to Wuhan in 15 years, in 16 years (AD 1927) became the capital of Nanjing. To commemorate the great achievements of Sun Yat-sen, the founding of the Republic of China was recast in nanjing and Tianjin mints in 16/17. The front and back of the silver is basically the same as the front, and the left and right upper part of the hexagonal star. Since the front and back of the coin have normal patterns, there is no mistake in both Chinese and English, and there is a hexagonal star, so it is called hexagonal star version. After Yuan Shikai stole the great president, the coin was stopped casting, because of the short time, the flow is not much, especially precious.

A six star version of this coin is a rare, sun yat-sen was known as the father of the nation, the founding COINS is 2000 years of feudal dynasty into a democratic society the first witness currency, we call it six star sun small head, also call it father for money, but also "orz" in a special skill, hide the beginning of the republic of China, witnessed the demise of the feudal dynasty, by the dragon grain, family power, claiming to be a real dragons turned into society gives priority to with the people, this founding COINS very historical research value, high value for collection, is a darling in the collectors.

The official name of The coin is Anan Silver, also known as "Sitting man" and "French light", because the wreath on the statue of Liberty on the obverse side of this coin has seven beams of light, commonly known as "seven horns". But for the convenience of the narrative below still use the phrase "taking the ocean".

Sitting in the ocean was one of the foreign coins circulating in China in the old China period, which was officially named as the Copper round of French Indian trade, and was also known as "Sitting man", "seven horned ghosts", "Sitting Seven Stars" and so on. The region of French Indian branch is equivalent to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia now. The circulation of ocean was mainly in the above regions at that time, and China also had circulation in yunnan and Guangxi bordering the Region of Indian Branch. It was a set of four copper coins minted in Paris since 1885. Although the French colonialists had long had the idea of minting and trading copper circles, the first set of copper coins was not officially issued until 1885 for various reasons.

The collection is introduced

The Greek Goddess of Liberty took an ocean voyage

The Greek statue of Liberty sits on The Ocean

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Its main here, sit the statue of liberty, although with later issued by British imperialism stand the pattern is different, it is a standing in the bow of a halberd warrior, seems to be showing off their powerful force, but the statue of liberty is not good, god is also a lot of plundering the wealth in China and the countries of southeast Asia, for the purpose. The main picture on the front is the statue of Liberty, flanked by the words "FRANCAISE" and "REPUBLIQUE", with the year of issue marked below. On the back are decorative flower heads and French trade copper circles (meaning the Indian branch of France) and the letters of the sign. Besides, this silver coin has not been cleaned, so it is of great value for collection.

Coin on the back of the middle English: PIASTRE DE COMMERCL, it is a ring around the English CHINE FRANGCAISE. INDO. TITRE0900. 27 GR POIDS., clear font is very exquisite, the surface with a layer of wrapped slurry protection, like wearing a coat almost no longer oxidation, facilitate collection, also be the basis of identification of new and old COINS.

Silver pressure: Since the qing dynasty republic of China, use the imported version machine, pressure up to 50 tons, the technology until the end of the republic of China, also not be transcended, so domestic imitation silver to design more blurred, internal tooth is linked together, and teeth, so a lot of professional coin collectors, a look at the coin, pressure is not enough, is a disguised form of replicas, genuine silver COINS, the pattern is clear, both side of tooth, or internal tooth, very neat, and there will not be connected, and teeth, the tooth length is consistent, uniform, there will be no length is differ, there will be no edge of helical, or teeth marks very shallow, because money is to use a kind of small equipment, We call it hobbing. Many special gears, such as Yin and Yang teeth, roll out backwards, forming a roll mark on the edge of the coin. Therefore, the first thing to look at a coin is to see whether the pressure is enough, whether the lines are clear, whether there are no defects or unnecessary marks.

This coin has clear handwriting, clear outline, showing full pressure, the coin wrapped slurry natural, silver oxide wrapped slurry brown, enough pressure, experts identified as a real silver coin, and perfect appearance, without any damage, damage, deformation, almost no wear, is a rare collectible silver coin. Has a very high historical research value, has a very high economic collection value, is a coin investment dark horse.

Copper prices rose sharply in the late Qing Dynasty, private destruction of money for copper, to obtain several times the profit, the market appeared money shortage. Because guangdong stops to make money, the market makes money day lack, small amount circulates very inconvenient. In order to save the money shortage and at the same time under the influence of Hong Kong coppers and foreign currencies, in June 26th, Guangxu, Governor Dechou of Guangdong and former Governor Li Hongzhang issued a letter of approval for the casting of guangdong coppers imitating Hong Kong coppers. Therefore, the qing dynasty mechanism of copper casting from the beginning of Guangdong. Then Fujian, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other provinces have been copy - cast copper yuan.

The Chinese have long had the habit of saving money, either for investment, simply for pleasure or for the purpose of building houses. It is well known that when ancient people built houses, a string of copper coins would be hung on the beam of the house to express a good wish for prosperity and prosperity. Today, we all use paper money, not old money, but that doesn't stop people from collecting coins. What's more, one of the hot spots of ancient coins is that they are precious and of high value. Some of them can sell for millions of dollars each, which is undoubtedly a good investment opportunity for some people.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Guangxu yuan Bao copper coins

English name: Guangxu Yuan Bao copper coins

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: three pieces

Appearance: Beautiful

In Hubei Province, guangxu yuan treasure made when two ". Coin front top of the script "Hubei province made" four words, the center directly read "Guangxu yuan Bao" four words, and decorated six petals star, on both sides for the Manchu; The bottom of the coin is worth "when ten". The writing is flowing, the end show is pure and fresh, the product phase is exquisite, its esthetic style is unique, the coin both sides oxidizes is consistent, for the original light package pulp, for the door genuine article coin.

Guangxu yuan Treasure of Guangdong Province: This coin "Guangxu Yuan Treasure of Guangdong Province" coin front center for "Guangxu Yuan Treasure" and Manchu, outer ring bead ring, upper margin period of the text for "Guangdong Province made". The lower margin period value character is "every hundred pieces change a circle" six characters. The "Flying dragon" map and bead ring are cast in the center of the back, with the English epoch value of the upper margin (made in Guangdong Province) and the English epoch value of the lower margin. A cross star on the left and the right. This coin has a unique aesthetic style. The fusion of Manchu and Han cultures is rarely seen on the front of the coin, while the back of the coin clearly indicates the involvement of Western culture. Although the coin is small, it can also give a glimpse of social culture. Its package pulp into bone, ripe old nature, deep typing mouth clear, obvious circulation trace, edge teeth clearance, clear decoration, with high investment value and collection value.

Coin back up and down ring English, in the middle of the cast coiling dragon diagram, bright eyes, dragon claws make public, the dragon scale carved fine, flying clouds and fog, strong and powerful posture. The dragon is a symbol of power, nobility and honor in traditional Chinese culture. The guangxu yuan is a rare collection of fine goods, with great collection value and investment value.

Fire dragon pattern on the back: You can see the flame pattern like mountain character on the back. Fire dragon has always been a symbol of Kings. For thousands of years, the dragon has penetrated into all aspects of Chinese society and become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation, the symbol of Chinese culture. For every Chinese descendant, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a kind of mood, a kind of emotion connected by flesh and blood. "Descendants of the Dragon", "Descendants of the Dragon" these titles, often make us excited, vigorous, proud. In China, collectors are very fond of dragon coins, because folklore tells us that the dragon on the back of "Qing copper coins" can increase one's luck, so that it can be engraved under the protection of dragon spirit to seek good luck and avoid evil.Guangxu yuanbao" is called the treasure of copper coins in the currency collection circle, which is a combination of manchurian and Han culture. Since the Manchurian ruled the world in the Qing Dynasty, guangxu Yuanbao also combined some manchu cultural factors. It is the most influential copper coin among nearly a thousand modern silver coins in China, and it is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Because it is physical money, between people's recognition of precious metals and a strong sense of historical and cultural identity, so the collection of people is not a minority. In the hands of folk friends as long as a collection has a higher "value", its rare in the world, so on the value also appears more valuable.

Sichuan copper coins were minted by the local government of Sichuan province in the late Qing Dynasty and the Beiyang Period. Due to the lack of silver and copper mines in Sichuan province and the warlords' division after the Revolution of 1911, the regulations of the Central government on the proportion of raw materials and the denomination of copper coins were not strictly observed. As a result, the circulation of copper coins in Sichuan was very large, which caused the artificially high prices and affected the economic development. Sichuan copper coins began to be cast in June in the 29th year of guangxu Emperor (1903). It was not until November in the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935) that the legal currency was gradually withdrawn from circulation.

In May 1911, under the pretext of nationalization of railway, the corrupt Qing government transferred the right to build roads in Sichuan, Han, Guangdong and Han to the British, French, German and American banks, arousing the opposition of people all over the country, especially in Sichuan Province. Hundreds of thousands of people joined the Road Protection Corps. After the Wuchang uprising, the provinces successively declared independence and the road protection army besieged Chengdu. Unable to control the situation in Sichuan, Zhao Erfeng had to hand over power to the Sichuan Bao Lu movement leader Pu Dianjun and other constitutional personage. Thus, Sichuan province also declared independence, set up the "Han Sichuan military government", and took over the Chengdu mint branch. In order to expand the military supplies, this "Han" coin was minted and issued.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: the junta back Han 18 circle Sichuan copper coins

The Military government carried copper COINS from Sichuan Province

Specification: one coin

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

The front is Sichuan copper coins, the middle is the pattern of begonia, the top is made by the junta, the bottom is the value of the coin. Left and right for flower star grain. The back is the first year of the Republic of China, six words, the central circle is Han, outside is 18 small circle, at that time represented 18 provinces, meaning the people of the 18 provinces to fight together.

Sichuan copper coins should be made of 50 wen military government, this coin material is red copper. Edge teeth short, left and right hollow cross star. The characters on this currency are all gold based. Sichuan copper coin four words open, point for the heart. Sichuan word last lengthen wear a hat, above wear two points. The bronze was beside the letters, and half of the gold was missing from the third. Coin word a thick dot instead of skimming. The military government on the edge of the building, the military character stroke is fine, the army with the point beginning, and horizontal break is not connected, commonly known as filament army. Political point attack heart, anti - text skimming connected. Fu word point beginning, horizontal skim not even. At the beginning of the point, the word cow mouth. Money word four horizontal gold, the third horizontal bend. Text is from the text, skimming and horizontal is not connected. On the edge of the military government to build, between the government to make a horizontal mark. In the second year of the Republic of China, a small semicircle is formed on the right side of the Chinese character. Chinese character vertical with small circle, square head 20, Chinese character horizontal decoration 26 horizontal, the upper edge of the Republic of China two words open.

The military government made sichuan copper coins when making one hundred coins, the back of the calendar year for the Republic of China two years. There is a big Chinese character on the back, so it is called "Big Han Copper coins" in the collection circle.Big Man" coin in the face value and material on the format or a variety of. There are silver one yuan, five jiao, two jiao, one jiao. To make one hundred coins, five hundred coins, twenty coins, ten coins, etc. There are the first year of the Republic of China, the second year of the Republic of China and the third year of the Republic of China.

This is the only coin produced by a local warlord: 'Made by the Great Han Sichuan Military Government' responds to the idea of 'no' in the collection, and this coin is a no. 1 in the collection world.

Because ancient coins are easy to be copied, so large denomination coins are rarely made, mainly in small denomination with ten characters. Sichuan copper coins made by the military government of Sichuan province, including 50 coins, are very rare in the world. Moreover, because of their unique features, small circulation and short circulation time, few of them can be seen now. This when fifty of the copper is only the military use, so to this extremely rare, and this is why the ancient COINS when hundreds of thousands of high-value copper, can compare common xiaoping money worth one thousand times, ten thousand times higher than that of its main cause is the anti-counterfeiting technology is not high, a large amount of money issue will lead to serious inflation. Similarly, the collection value of this piece of sichuan copper coin is very high among sichuan copper coins.
